Thursday, March 3, 2011

Signs Of Spring

Site 1: On our 6th day outside, we went outside...but this time we went out through the front. As we got out through the doors we approached a red tree which was blooming with red flowers. On top of a lightpost I spotted a seagull. I heard a crow flying by. Also, I felt the sun beaming on my skin, but it didn't feel as cold as other days.
Site 2: As we continued on our trip, I saw pine cones starting to sprout. I also saw green moss growing on a dead log. I heard a police dog in the back of a car, and it was barking like it was crazy!! I felt the sun beaming on me more now since there was no more shade.
Site 3: On our way to site 3 we walked through the woods, on a path. When we approached the pond i saw a hole and blooming bushes. I didn't see any ducks, but that's probably because they migrated away. I saw ripples in the water and a black vulture. As we were leaving, I saw larvae on a stick. I felt wind blowing on my face. I heard a dump truck and a bird chirping in the forrest. I thought i heard crickets but that was just Mrs. R's phone.
Site 4: On our last sight i saw a hawk flying towards the pond. I also saw a catepillar, a spider on Josh's paper, and a crawfish chimney. It was interesting to see the chimney because the crawfish had to push or carry the mad all the way up to it's house. I heard birds chirping again. I felt cold because the shade was blocking the sun's rays.

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